What is Mine Action Canada?

MAC is an organization that works towards removing the dangerous humanitarian, environmental and development outcome of indiscriminate weapons.  

Find out more here – https://www.minesactioncanada.org 

How did Platfform4YP get involved with them?

Mine Action Canada came to us asking us to create a session for the young people involved for an activities week they are hosting for the volunteers and team members. 

What went on during the session? 

Myself and some of the other platfform team created a powerpoint and some activities to present to the young people involved with the MAC project over zoom. 

We talked about what we are all about, how to look after your own well-being and cope with trauma. Lastly, we talked about what support they get in their own countries as we involved people from all over the world. 

What do we hope will happen in the future with them?

We hope that we can collaborate with them more and create more sessions to present to them. This is so we can help them with their well-being and think about themselves a little bit more. As they are putting themselves in some dangerous situations to help others so we want to help them. 

Final Message

It is great to work with inspiring people and open up more avenues for our charity. As a charity, we want to show that we are behind other important issues in the world.