Take some time .
for yourself

Brought to you by Platfform4YP, Project Me is an online space that offers you support for your everyday mental health and wellbeing.

It’s somewhere for you to reflect on how you’re feeling, read up on tips for looking after your wellbeing, and find information on where to reach out if you need more help.

We’ve got a variety of tools to help you through those times when you need some extra support.

All the content is self-led, meaning you can go through everything at your own pace.

Your wellbeing matters – so take some time for yourself.

What’s Project Me?

Over the past 18 months, life has had many ups and downs. Things have been particularly challenging for young people, so if you are struggling, we want you to know that you are not on your own.

Project Me is an online programme for 13-25 year olds to help you through those times when you need some extra support for your wellbeing.

We’ll take you through our wellbeing quiz – this will give you the chance to reflect on what you’re doing to support your wellbeing right now, and what small changes you could make to feel better in specific areas of your life.

The programme is self-led, meaning you can go through it at your own pace. We also have lots of information on where you can find more support if you need it.

Platfform Quiz

Take the quiz

Our wellbeing quiz is a simple way to help you see what areas of your life could do with some more self-care.

We look at areas such as positive relationships, mindfulness, motivation and how you can take small steps to improve the areas of your choice!

This is a great way for you to take steps towards living a more empowered, fulfilling life.

Take the quiz

Take a selfie

Take a selfie with one of our fun pre-sets and share that you’re taking part in #ProjectME

Take a selfie
Platfform Selfie App
Platfform Videos


We’ve put together a series of videos based on our 10 week wellbeing programme that you can access in your own time, and at your own pace.

Want to learn about how to cultivate more positive feelings and thoughts? Or how to talk about how you’re feeling? Check out our videos here:

Let me see

Blogs & Social

Platfform4YP has a website created by young people, for young people. We have blogs on things like friendships, gender identity, how to express yourself mental health at Uni, and more.

We also have a section with book recommendations, film reviews and podcasts – whatever you’re into.

I wanna read
Platfform Blogs & Social Posts
Platfform Videos

We all need help sometimes

Visit 4YP.

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