The Forget-Me-Not-Sonata is a book following the lives of a family, more specifically Audrey Garnet who lived in Hurlingham, Argentina. When Audrey was 18, two brothers, Louis and Cecil, came from England to Argentina to work for her father. Both brothers instantly took a liking to Audrey. However, it is Louis that wins Audrey over and this is where the secret love affair started.
At first I wasn’t too interested in the storyline. However, after a couple of chapters, I began to enjoy the story. Throughout the story, there were loads of different emotions that were chucked at me. This is something that I liked as it kept me on my toes and it made the reading more intriguing.
Even though I don’t usually like watching romance films, I would like this book to be created into a film as I found it quite interesting and adventurous, in its own way. I also liked how the story came full circle with the characters reconnecting after so many years.
Additionally, as the book was set in the 19th century, it was fascinating to see how people reacted to others who were different from them. It is also a good way to compare how far we have come to accepting different personalities etc in today’s era. However, we still have some way to go.
Overall, the book was entertaining and it was something that allowed me to get a taste of how people lived in a different era, despite it being a fictional storyline.