
Meet Tammie

I’m an energetic ball of positivity called Tammie, loving my time here as a Young Persons Coach at Platfform. I’m very open-minded and I love that being in this job means I get to speak to so many different people; I’ve been told I’m easy to talk to, including for those who are shy, anxious or those who may feel like they think differently to everyone else. Finally, I absolutely love being creative and will ALWAYS be wanting to see pictures of your pets if you have any. As well as loving the obvious: Food, animals, shopping, etc., in my spare time, I create my own “doodle” art (You may have seen them on Platform47p’s website), I create board games/card games with my friends for fun, watch Let’s Plays on Youtube and help the community through litter picking events, or by giving presents or notes to strangers/the homeless when I can. The best lesson I have learnt is that - life is what you make it; if you picture something you’d like to happen, and you can see a way you can do it – go for it. Also, get rid of the idea that you must be “great” at something to enjoy it: It doesn’t matter if you think that you “can’t sing or dance”, just sing and dance for fun; It doesn’t matter if you think that you “can’t draw”, just draw for fun… Enjoy yourself!

Platfform 4YP
Last updated
Written by athenaa