
Meet Lynne

My name is Lynne Jones and I am the coach for the Platfform for families. I support parents and siblings from families where there is a child/children facing mental health challenges. The service covers Cardiff and the Vale and promotes confidence, self-awareness and self-care as well as a chance to share experiences and develop a network of peer support. I love to see both adults and children stepping into their own personal growth and exploring new ways to be as a person as well as in their role as a parent or sibling; ultimately being the best that they can be in their own lives. I really enjoy my own family time and love to walk on the beach with our two dogs when we can! My own life has not been without its own struggles and one thing that has helped me is this quote “and this too will pass” a good reminder that everything is transient. It helps me know the hard times will not last forever as well as helping me make the most of the fun times too!

Platfform 4YP
Last updated
Written by athenaa