What is the Draw My Life project?
Over the past couple of months, Platfform4yp had the opportunity to create a series of videos with some of our incredible young people. It allowed these young people to develop videos about topics that they feel strongly about.
We wanted young people to have their voices heard and encourage others like them to get involved with sending the message of support, inspiration and empowerment.
It allows other young people to listen to the experiences of young people like them and learn about topics that are either generally misunderstood or under-represented in general media.
Challenges of Being Blind
It all started with our first video called “Challenges of Being Blind” which is very close to the heart of one of our young people who are blind. She wanted to spread awareness about her disability and make it more of a comfortable conversation surrounding the disability.
Challenges of Being Blind Video – https://vimeo.com/498272078
Q&A with creator of Challenges of Being Blind
There are quite a few stigmas that people have. One of these is that people think that being blind or having a disability is a bad thing which it isn’t. Another stigma is that people think that to be blind, you have to look and act blind. Lastly, people think that just because I’m blind, I am unable to complete tasks and activities.
I’ve been told that this is quite hard to get a job in but I would like to be a braille translator. However, at the moment, I am currently in college doing help and social care just so I can have a back up plan. This is because I am trying to find things that I am good at and one of those things is helping others. Also, I would like to help with integrating disabilities within jobs so companies can be more diverse.
I would like to see more education done within schools and with parenting to make things like disabilities and mental health normal for people to talk about. I feel like using tips and trick videos would help people understand how to approach topics like these better. Lastly, I would like to achieve a more positive outcome to the way people reach people with disabilities and mental so that people can see people for who they are.
One of the things I like doing to look after my own mental health is to draw. This may sound surprising as I am blind but I find it really therapeutic. I also like to listen to music, play games and talk to my family members as I am a people person.
We Can’t Be Stopped
Next up was a video about hidden disabilities, called “We Can’t Be Stopped”. This young person created this idea based around her experience with hidden disabilities. She hopes that this video will help contribute to breaking the stigma around hidden disabilities. As well as making people understand that they are just the same as them.
We Can’t Be Stopped Video – https://vimeo.com/500793570
Q&A with creator of We Can’t Be Stopped
I want people to get more of an understanding about the ability of people with hidden disabilities and disabilities in general. Also, to show people that, just because you can’t see a disability does not mean that a person doesn’t have one.
From the side of being the organizer and leader of this group I would say I’ve learnt that making videos takes a lot more time than I thought. However, from the side of making my own script, I’ve learnt that just take the chance as initially I didn’t want to share the script. I’m glad I did now as I can now share information about the topic I’ve done. So I would say, don’t be scared.
One of the ways I look after my mental health is to play sports or go for a walk which makes myself feel more fresh, especially when I go outside. Also, I eat healthy and listen to my body to know what I need food wise and when. For example, chocolate makes me feel happier.
I would love to take part in another project like this because it gives young people the opportunity to have their voices heard and educate others as well which I think is important.
My Journey
Our third Draw My Life video is about the journey of one of our young people with their mental health and their journey through State of Mind. This young person wanted to share her experience with others to empower them and make others comfortable with the topic of mental health. It allows people who are struggling with mental health to see that getting help isn’t that scary at all.
My Journey Video – https://vimeo.com/503427865
Q&A with creator of My Journey
Have a go at things, even if you don’t think you’re good at them. Especially if you’re alone in your room, there’s only yourself watching you! Notice those self-critical thoughts that might stop you from crafting, singing, playing an instrument, dancing, drawing, writing stories, gaming, etc., and say to them “Doesn’t matter if I’m good or bad at them, I’m going to enjoy them anyway”.
I get up at 7am, have my cup of tea and do some home exercises. Usually after that my cat is meowing to come inside, so I feed the fluff ball and have my own breakfast. I like this routine and I know that each day bring something new when working with Platfform. The people I speak to and work with are all so unique and I am definitely the happiest I’ve ever been. That’s what motivates me.
It is nice to think about these questions and to be heard by others. I think it’s a great opportunity for people to learn some behind-the-scenes for the video they have watched.