With the easing of lockdown measures, many people including young people are heading back to work. Below is a Q&A that a Platfform volunteer and Platfform4YP reporter took part in about this transition and her time in lockdown.

This will be the first part of a series where we create a platform for young people’s unfiltered voices and experiences, this will give us all an insight into young people’s lives and the value of our voices!

HI I’m Autumn, I am 19 years old and loving life. I am a part-time employee at fast-food restaurant and volunteer at Platfform. It is important for me to tell you guys how I recovered to a semi normal life [post lockdown].

Lockdown has been difficult for me, I’m so used to having a busy life and a very organised and scheduled week, so not having that [has left me with] a disorganised schedule. I am not very good with not knowing things, so the lack of knowing what is going on the day after the next makes it difficult for me.

Being off work did give me a break from all the stress of juggling everything in one go, being off work has also given me time to help relax etc. However, it was again difficult to cope with the abnormality of the situation

IN order for me to return to work, I had to demonstrate an understanding of the new guidelines and rules. This meant following social distancing rules and new hygiene guidelines. The news of returning to work was shocking but relieving for me as it meant I would have a bit of organisation back in my daily life.

My first shift back was very busy as expected, however, it was enjoyable. I would prefer not to speak about my first day beginning to end as my organisation says I’m am not meant to be but you can know it was amazing and lots of fun. There are not many rules that have changed it is more so the social distancing and hygiene that has changed.

To help you guys around the new rules you may face at work or school. Follow the rules the best you can. Don’t forget to put yourself first before anyone else because you’re the main priority. I’ve always believed that you cannot help others if you’re injured. Therefore you cannot help others without keeping yourself safe.

I hope everyone is doing okay and keeping safe. The main thing is to stay positive, which is the most useful and number one tip to give you guys. Stay positive and never look back, tomorrow is another day.

If you want to be featured on this site in a blog like this, or want to create any content at all! Email our chief editor Tom at tom.platfform4yp@gmail.com. If you would like to volunteer with Platfform like Autumn, email the young people’s team at youngpeople@platfform.org. 🙂