Looking at the positives in situations that aren’t always the best is sometimes hard. However, if you find at least one thing that went well, made you happy or uplifted you in some way, write it down! You can do it everyday, at the end of the week or even at the end of every month. By reflecting on your day, week or month can help you feel more cheerful, even if it is just in a small way, when you’re having a bad day or even if you’re having a great day and want to make it that little bit better!
What are our highlights of the month?
From our Peer Mentor group, one of the highlights is the social group we hold every Tuesday. It’s an opportunity to enjoy the games and interaction with others whilst in lockdown. As well as this some of our young people went on a surfing trip with the Swansea Bay project.
Not only are there activities such as these, Platfform4YP was nominated for an award. Unfortunatly, we narrowly missed out. Yet, we still are proud of the opportunity of getting nominated.
There have been some highlights from our Draw My Life group as well. The videos we are making are nearing the end of the production and soon we’ll be able to share these with you. One of our videos has been completed this month and is about one of our young people talking about life as a blind person. The rest of the videos will be completed this month. The young people involved have enjoyed catching up in our weekly meetings and seeing the videos come to life.
Apart from the highlights from our projects, there have been other highlights from young people! These include, picking up the piano again this month after not playing for a long time as well as entering competitions to help with their future career. Also, one of our young people has started picking up new languages using the app, Duolingo and enjoyed seeing the improvements made since they have started.
What can your highlights of the month be?
Your highlights can be anything from learning how to cook, or even getting out of bed for the day. It doesn’t have to be extravagant as what seems small to other people, may be a massive step for you.
We want to hear about your highlights of the month!
Email our Assistant Editor Lucy at Lucy.platfform4yp@gmail.com to get a chance to share your favourite moments with us and other young people.